Preparing for your new puppy to come home
Congratulations on deciding to adopt a chihuahua puppy from I Luv Chihuahuas!!
Before you bring your puppy home, you should have the following:
A play yard or designated confined area for you puppy. The area should be big enough for a bed, food, water and a pee pad
Pee pads ( I buy the pee pads from publix—they are the best quality)
Plenty of safe items to chew on and toys to play with
An appointment with a good vet that is familiar with chihuahuas scheduled within 72 hours of you taking your puppy home.
Puppy proof your home (no exposed electrical cords, cleaning supplies, plants, etc.)
Food and water bowls
You will need a leash and harness but its best to wait until you have the puppy for accurate measurements for the harness.
Food that the puppy is currently eating ***ROYAL CANIN XTRA SMALL PUPPY DRY FOOD******
Plan your schedule to have a couple days off when your new baby comes home to spend time with them. Going to a new home is a big event for a puppy so they will need to be comforted and loved so they don’t get too stressed out being alone in a strange environment.